Pam Ziegler, Director of Elementary Education
Brian Unruh, Coordinator of Instructional Technology & Christine Mangrich, Coordinator of Instructional Services

Cohorter’s Bill Gruman, Shane Paige and Dana Lampe convened via online video conference application Zoom to develop a plan to dive deeply into the process of change. The selection criteria was based on finding a district making a systematic change, evolving technology advancements, and the impact of the change on the extent which members of a the system were psychologically ready to consider. The team identified Cedar Falls Community School District, a school district who recently has gone to a 1:1 computing environment and continues to evolve. As it evolves, the district has recognized a need to improve their process of data collection; the team decided to interview three integral individuals. What we found is change is more than innovation, it is the entire process.

In this special report by Dana Lampe she compares the Cedar Falls Community School District process of change with Donald Ely's Eight Conditions of Change.  In making her comparisons, Mrs. Lampe finds that there are a lot of similarities between the two.

Tigers reaffirm 2 year commitment

Cedar Falls Tigers looking to commit to Domo for data analytics!

In this article the investigated change process is described based upon its strengths and weaknesses. This discussion is shared in a narrative that compares and contrasts what was uncovered with the change theory we have been studying.  For more details please see the article continued on page 2.

Daily Change Page 2

If you don’t have good interview questions then you might as well  . . . The theme for the interview was the Process of Change

Philosophy of Change

Needing to understand the school district’s philosophy of change the we asked “What is the typical process of change and how it is approached?” This question was intended to get the general idea of when change is proposed, what are the action steps.

New Initiative

Diving deeper, the question “Describe a recent initiative in your district that you have been involved in?” allowed for us to  pinpoint more accurately the specific change they are working towards.
Can you tell me more about . . . Looking to see what the conditions of change were in this particular change process the next few questions were asked.Why is this change needed?What are the specific goals for the changes?Is there a shared vision for change?Who are the stakeholders? 

Foresee the Future

Wanting to identify if there were any barriers they thought they would have to overcome, we asked what those might be and how they would address them. Looking far into the future, the question “What does success look like?” was asked. The identification of the success indicators should match up to the goals.

Personalization and Paraphrasing

To personalize the interview, many of the follow up questions used paraphrasing. Some of the paraphrases acknowledged what the interviewee had stated and asked them to clarify in order for the interviewer to understand their thinking. Other paraphrases summarized and organized what was being said into themes.

A Personal Touch

The last main question had a personal touch about the change process and how it would affect the interviewee, “Your personal learning, is there anything you need to learn or prepare for in order to follow through with the changes?”

Dana Lampe
I felt that CF leadership has done their job well with involving all those who have a stake with the data collection process in their decision to purchase Domo. I am enlightened by going through this process and seeing how i might implement change in my own district.
Bill Gruman
This my personal reflection on the advantages and disadvantages of the change process we explored at the Cedar Falls School District.

Interviews Play by Play

Wednesday Boxscore

Sponsor for the interview was Zoom Video Communications, #1 Video and Web Conferencing Service.

Dana Lampe led the interview, with Bill Gruman providing analysis and followup.

Participants for the interview were Cedar Falls School District Brian Unruh, Coordinator of Instructional Technology and Christine Mangrich, Instructional Service Coordinator.

Pre-Interview visual and audio adjustments were needed. Brian and Christine shared the computer, at times Brian was difficult to hear.

Conversation went back and forth, with Dana asking the predesigned questions and Brian and Christine answering. Brian seemed to take the lead with most of the answers with Christine adding confirmation points. It was obvious the two had been working together on this idea for quite some time, they share the same vision and seemed in-tune with each other. Other than Brian’s audio difficulties, the interview went as anticipated.  See the video below for more details! 

Friday Boxscore

Sponsor for the interview was Zoom Video Communications, #1 Video and Web Conferencing Service.

Dana Lampe led the interview, with Bill Gruman providing analysis and followup.

Participant for the interview was Cedar Falls School District Pam Zeigler, Director of Elementary Education.

The interview started out of the gates slowly, it seemed Pam was somewhat reluctant to offer too much information. Dana redirected the questions to focus more on the process of change versus the actual change the school district was considering. Pam took well to this new direction and was a wealth of information.  See the video below for more details!

This site was created by Shane Paige, Bill Gruman and Dana Lampe as final project for Exploring Change in Our Schools for INSTTECH 6237 Leading Change Through Instructional Technology Fall 2015.  This site currently can only be viewed using a desktop browser.